Pastor Bob Case

In my lifetime with the United Methodist Church, I’ve been given many opportunities to serve the church through various positions of leadership before receiving my call to pastoral ministry in 2005. In those years since that calling, I have served as Youth Pastor with my wife Ruth, and also as the Worship Leader for three years for Pendleton First UMC’s second campus in Ingalls before coming back to the main campus in Pendleton. I accepted my first appointment as Lead Pastor at Noblesville Union UMC in 2013 where I served until being appointed to New Horizons in September of 2020. My focus in pastoral ministry has always been based on, “Encourage, Equip, and Engage.” We will come together on Sundays to learn and be encouraged, but the real ministry starts when we step out beyond the walls of the church and engage in the active ministry with the community we live in, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and His saving grace to the lost, the lonely, and the least of these.

It is my hope that you will choose to be a part of sharing Christ’s love in what we do here at New Horizons. I am confident that you will find a warm welcome from our members as well as a chance to worship and place and a place to share in God’s greater story in Anderson.

We are called by God to experience, celebrate, and share through our actions the love of God that comes to us in Jesus Christ.