New Horizons United Methodist has an active group of prayer warriors. If you have a prayer concern, please email (by clicking on the link below) or call the church (765-644-0949). We will gladly add it to our daily prayers or include it in this Sunday's bulletin/program. You may ask that your prayer be anonymous

if you desire and/or be for an unspoken prayer.

Click here to access the Prayer Request form and send it to the church.

How to pray?

Anywhere, anytime. Praise God for His goodness. Thank God for all He has

done for you. Thank God for what He will continue to do in/with your life.

Ask God for His guidance as to what to do with your life.

A Simple Daily Devotion

(Light a candle to symbolize God 's presence.)

Invite the Holy Spirit into your life. Thank God for the many ways

His presence is shown in your life.

Thank God for waking up, for your family, for your friends, for His keeping

watch over you and everyone important to you.

Ask God for His guidance in your life. Take some time to pray for those close to you, those suffering, those who need God in their lives. Pray for those who do not believe in Him that they might be open to learning. Pray for wisdom for city, county, state, federal and world leaders. Pray for peace in your life and for everyone in the world. Pray for the safety our military and our first responders.

Thank God for the fact that we know He will answer these prayers, whether or not we like the answer and whether or not we appreciate the timing.

Thank Him for listening!

Recommended scripture from the Old and New Testaments:

  • Genesis 12:1-4a

  • Psalm 121

  • Romans 4:1-15, 13-17

  • John 3:1-17

  • Matthew 17:1-9

Pray the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

(Remember to extinguish your candle when you are finished)

What is prayer?

A conversation with God.

Why Pray?

  • Why pray? God wants a relationship with you. Prayer is your opportunity to create/work on your relationship with God. God knows what you want and what you need even before you do, but it is important to talk to God.

  • During His ministry, Jesus often left His disciples and other followers, went off by Himself and prayed to God. He was giving us an example of how to re-energize and re-focus our lives with God's grace and God's help.

  • In "The Sermon on the Mount" Jesus gives us an understanding of who He is and what the Kingdom of God is like ideally. It includes the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. It provides timeless lessons in humility, and consideration for our fellow human beings. It gives us good rules for Christian living. In the 111 verses, prayer and fasting is mentioned 20 times. Do you not think it is important?

Does God really answer prayer?

  • God will always answer prayer: yes, no or even possibly wait. Maybe

  • these are not the answers we might want, but He will answer. Also,

  • the answer will come in God's time, not ours.

  • God wants to be in our lives. He wants to bless us, but He is a gentleman,

  • He will not come into our lives uninvited. God's blessings can change our

  • lives in so many ways. He can energize our churches, transform our cities,

  • our country. He can alter history!